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The Origin of the Batak Tribe Turns out to be from Thailand


The ethnic groups owned by Indonesia, believe it or not, number in the tens, even if it is calculated with ethnic groups that are almost extinct or even extinct, the number can reach hundreds. These ethnic groups are spread throughout Indonesia, from the western tip to the eastern corner. The ethnic groups in Indonesia have different cultural roots and origins. As happened in the origin of the Batak tribe. 

The Batak tribe is one of the tribes in North Sumatra that still 'exists' until now. The Batak tribe has a very long origin. Legend has it that the Batak tribe came from an area in Pangururan to the west, to be precise, Pusuk Buhit in the Sianjur Mula Mula area.

Comes From Thailand

It is said that the Batak tribe is not native to Indonesia, but comes from mainland Thailand. The name Batak itself, according to legend, is the name of a leader from Thailand who came to Indonesia via Peninsular Malaysia and then settled in the Sianjur Mula Mula area.

King Sisingamangaraja XII is also thought to still have blood ties to the Batak leader. It is estimated that the Batak King lived and lived in Indonesia in the 13th century around 1200-1300 AD. 

The origin of the Batak tribe is also connected with the discovery of the Cola kingdom inscription from India. In ancient times it was mentioned that the Cola kingdom from India attacked the Srivijaya kingdom and controlled several areas around it, such as Barus.

The Tamil tribesmen who came from the Cola kingdom numbered more than a thousand people and all of them settled in Barus. The arrival of the Cola kingdom inevitably interfered with the existence of the Batak King and his descendants. Until finally, the King of Batak 'refuge' to the Portibi area in the south of Lake Toba.

From there, the Batak King demonstrated his power and succeeded in controlling several areas in North Sumatra such as Lake Toba, Simalungun, Tanah Karo, Dairi, and even parts of the Special Region of Aceh. 

The Clans

Actually, the Batak King is not a king, nor does he lead a kingdom, the title Raja is pinned because it is a symbol of respect from his descendants to their leader.

The Batak tribe has a high respect for their ancestors. Evidence of the Batak people's respect for their ancestors that can be felt until now is the use of various clans behind their names. 

The names of the clans that we know today are the names of their former ancestors. The number is also hundreds, there are about 200 more clans. The system that applies in Batak society is a system based on male lineage (father) or patrilineal. So usually, the use of the surname will only be passed down from the father's lineage.

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