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Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments That Are Still Popular

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Many Indonesian traditional musical instruments are still very popular because the sounds released by several types of Indonesian musical instruments are very pleasant to hear. This traditional musical instrument can be pitched or not.

But broadly speaking, traditional musical instruments in Indonesia are divided into three, namely rhythmic, melodic and harmonious. Talking about music will never end. Imagine how many musical instruments and types of music there are in this world. the type of musical instrument even determines a song's genre.

In Indonesia itself, there are many musical instruments that we can find and are still popular today, all of which should be proud of as our nation's culture.

Music has become a very popular thing among the people, it can even be said that there is no one who does not like music. Music is one of the most popular parts of art. Even the role of music for life is very influential, music can create various emotions for the listeners.

A musical genre also affects what emotions a piece of music can produce. And the most important influence is the musical instrument itself which influences the genre and the emotions produced by the music. Currently, there are many genres of music that fill human civilization, but what should not be forgotten is traditional music.

Indonesian traditional musical instruments are classified into three types of musical instruments, one of which is a rhythmic musical instrument. 

If we pay attention to this type of musical instrument can be distinguished from the sound, which has a regular rhythm. There are so many examples of rhythmic types of musical instruments that are around us, even still popular today.

In Indonesia, musical instruments are also determined by the culture of each region. Because the culture of our nation is very diverse, the musical instruments that we can find in Indonesia will also be very many. 

Each region has its own distinctive musical instrument. The sound of different musical instruments also makes some regions have different musical tastes.

For example, we can distinguish music based on ethnicity. Compare the music of the Sundanese with the Javanese, of course it will be very different. Ordinary people who do not really know or master the field of music will immediately understand which music from Sunda and which from Java.

The two tribes also contributed a number of musical instruments that became the list of traditional Indonesian musical instruments that should be preserved. If we pay attention, Sundanese music is more dominated by playing the flute. 

Meanwhile, music from Java is dominated by gamelan, for example. Music that tends to limp in its character, as well as gamelan are also included in the rhythmic type of musical instrument.

Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments Beaten

Rhythmic musical instruments which include traditional Indonesian musical instruments, one of which is the drum. This drum is played by being hit, and the drum is a musical instrument that has no pitch.

The drums are played a lot to stimulate the spirit because the rhythm is so stomping. Try to pay attention, the drum only makes a stomping sound. 

To play the drums does not need to require you to learn the chord notes like when playing the piano. You also don't need to learn the chords like when you learn to play the guitar.

Playing a drum is actually not that difficult, but it still takes skill that is not arbitrary.

The drum is one of the most popular traditional Indonesian musical instruments. Have you ever listened to dangdut music once in a while? If so, of course the drum musical instrument is familiar to your ears.

In fact, many people argue that the enjoyment of dangdut music is also dominantly felt by the role of the drum musical instrument that stomps, boosts the swaying spirit to enjoy dangdut songs. In addition to dangdut music, you can also find drums in Jaipongan music, typical of West Java.

What's more, Jaipongan is very distinctive with a shoulder dance that seems to be broken requiring the beat of a drum instrument to accompany it.

Another traditional Indonesian musical instrument that is beaten is the tambourine. Does anyone know which musical instrument is very close to which culture? Yep, that's right. Betawi. Betawi people use a lot of tambourine musical instruments in some of their traditional ceremonies.

An example of an event that we often encounter in movies is a wedding. Betawi culture is widely exposed by the media through various events. So to get to know the Betawi culture, we have even heard of it often.

The tambourine consists of several instruments, each of which makes a different sound. Each component produces a different sound, the differences are put together to be rhythmic.

Lastly, there is also angklung. This type of musical instrument is certainly familiar, especially for those of you who come from the land of Sunda. Angklung is a typical West Java musical instrument which is played by hitting it.

Angklung also emits a sound that has a regular rhythm. Angklung is made of bamboo which is played by hitting it. Recently, the angklung musical instrument is being popularized through the media because angklung makes a distinctive sound from bamboo.

Other Types of Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments


If the previous article discussed the parts of traditional musical instruments that are played by hitting, there are also traditional musical instruments that are played by plucking, blowing, and even shaking.

One of the musical instruments that is played by blowing and is quite well known among the Indonesian people is the flute.

Who doesn't know the flute? The flute is a rhythmic type of musical instrument that has a tone. The tones that come out of each hole are different. One hole is left open while another is closed by a finger.

This kind of playing technique produces a smooth sound, therefore the flute is very pleasant to hear.

The flute is very popular, especially in music from the land of Sunda as well as dangdut music. The two types of music without the flute are incomplete, even tasteless. The flute adds to the enjoyment of the listeners. In addition to the flute, there is another traditional musical instrument, namely the harp.

This musical instrument also comes from the land of Sunda. This harp is played by plucking like a guitar. The difference is that we play the guitar in a standing position, but if you play the harp you have to sit down because the harp cannot be used like a guitar.

The harp is used by placing it on a flat surface such as the floor, because the direction of the strings is also different from the guitar, namely upwards, not forwards.

There is another traditional musical instrument that is very unique because it is played by shaking it, namely the angklung. Basically this angklung is similar to calung when viewed from its shape. But both still have differences, namely from how to play it.

To play angklung, you just need to shake it, while to play calung you have to hit it. However, both of them are included in the list of traditional Indonesian musical instruments that are still popular today.

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